Go and Make Disciples
Advent 2020
The Book of Jonah
Psalms The Heart of God's People
Time and Money
Coffee Mug Faith
What does the Word of God actually tell us? In this short sermon series, we dive into teaching and warn against taking scripture out of context.Advent 2019
Advent is about us proclaiming the sufficiency of Christ through the discipline of waiting. Join us as we celebrate this season of Advent.Gospel of Mark
Acts: The Kingdom Multiplied
Join us as we continue our emphasis on the Kingdom of God and The Gospel. We start the new year studying the Book of Acts to learn how Christianity rapidly spread and what this narrative of the early Church has to teach us about pursuing the Gospel together in Christ. Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”Messiah
This Advent season we discuss Jesus as our Messiah and King.
Living in the Kingdom (1-3 John)
In this Fall Fellowship Series we look into 1-3 John to learn more about how specifically to live together in the Kingdom of Christ
Kingdom and Mission of Christ
What is the Mission of Christ? What is the Kingdom of God? Join us as we wrestle with these questions and more! If we are committed followers of Christ then we want to understand and learn how to live as He lived and to align all parts of life to Him as King. Join us as we launch our emphasis on The Mission of Christ that will carry us well into next year. Come grow and learn with us!Searching
Strangers in a Strange Land
Stand-Alone Sermons
We Are the Church
Discover Memorial
My brothers story